Appeared on Big Brother 7, as well as in her own sex tape that came out shortly after the show. Since then she has been in, and come out of again, a relationship with Reading defender Ibrahim Sonko

Imogen Mary Thomas was born on November 27, 1982, in the village of Trimsaran, Llanelli, in South Wales. At the age of 20, the Welsh beauty won the title of Miss Wales 2003, and went on to represent her native land at the Miss World pageant in China. She attended the University of Worcester, from where she earned a Bachelor's degree in health studies and psychology.imogen thomas on big brother
Thomas relocated to London, where she landed a job as a nightclub hostess. After working on a pilot for an MTV show, she auditioned for a number of jobs as a TV presenter during the spring of 2006. She also took a shot at becoming a housemate on the UK version of Big Brother. Impressed with her audition, the producers selected her to participate on the seventh edition of the popular reality program, which premiered that May.During her second and third weeks on the show, she was forbidden to nominate anyone for dismissal from the house as she had discussed nominations during that period. On Day 33, Thomas and four other housemates were obliged to choose another rule-breaker for eviction in front of the entire remaining housemates. She survived eviction nominations during the fifth week, as well as in weeks 8, 10 and 11.

imogen thomas’ sex tape
While she was in seclusion in the Big Brother house, a video was posted on the internet which allegedly showed Thomas and her ex-boyfriend, Leighton Brookfield, having sex. It was only after she was voted off the show and returned to the real world that she became aware of the existence of the online sex tape, and got her lawyer involved to look into the matter.Thomas joined fellow housemate Richard in the House Next Door on Day 84 of her stay. With 62% of the vote of the public, she was finally evicted two days later, on August 11th, finishing seventh overall. Since emerging from the Big Brother house, the aspiring model and television personality has made a number of appearances on Welsh TV, as well as in a number of international publications.
imogen thomas in maxim
Thomas had a chance to brush up on her Welsh, making a cameo as herself on Pobol y CwmJonathan, Uned 5 and Wedi 7. Voted the Sexiest Woman in Wales in November 2006, she made the cover of Maxim magazine's January 2007 edition, and appeared in a topless photo spread for Zoo Magazine that same year.(People of the Valley), Wales' all-time most popular soap opera. She has also appeared as a guest on talk shows such as